Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Seascape and Sketchbook

Seascape, from a central coast vacation photograph. However, the piece doesn't resemble it much. Not exactly a "daily painting", which is my ultimate goal, but most of the work, other than the background, was done today.

While I started work on another still life for my "30" series, I thought I would remember to add my sketchbook additions in keeping with my originally stated premise of posting just about everything.

Sheep, soft pastel, is a continuation of attempting to work with my limited palette soft pastels I bought by mistake. I had fun getting messy making the sky and the clouds, but pastels are just not my thing. So, I will collect other artist's work, because I love the look of pastel landscapes and florals.

Tomato, colored pencil. Colored pencils are still my favorite color medium.

Two graphite sketches from our "secret garden" on the mostly unseen side of our house.

Hydrangea in the shade and a mimosa branch, shortly after the "Butcher of Barcelona" (me, with garden trimmers) got after it.


Kaye said...

I love the ocean water crashing! I can hear it! And love the tomato looks like your staying busy!

Joan said...

These are great! That wave looks like it is going to get me wet!!

Adrian said...

Mom....that seascape pic is awesome!